Saturday, April 4, 2015

Let's Try this Again

Okay here I am again, going to try to post everyday for a year even if its a short blurb, or just an image. I'v been told by my therapist that it's therapeutic to just write down your thoughts. She however, did not mention to publish it. But, here we go again.

I am now 26 years old. Currently live in Brooklyn, with my new kitten/cat named Mackerel, photo below, and two other guys who are/is not my boyfriend. I am four years closer to 30. I am simultaneously working freelance in the meantime, although on hold, putting a publication of Asian American Female Artists Voices' together with a colleague, and working on my company Bluestem Highway, and I am exhausted.

I am exhausted of perhaps living in New York. However, the small adventures, and interactions with fellow twenty something year olds, keeps me going. I wonder quite often if I'd be more happy somewhere else, perhaps home, perhaps on the west coast, ideally overseas? But, what I am finding is that as I am getting older, I have these constant questions and worries about just making the jump of doing whatever it is that I want. I used to not be like that. I would just... do. Wouldn't even think twenty steps ahead and just go with it. I'd figured it out along the way. Now I second guess almost everything, or ask the opinion of trusted friends and family. And I am pretty sure I have exhausted them of their wisdom. Does it ever stop, will I ever stop, do I need to consciously stop it, "Girl you need to stop questioning yourself."

The only accomplishment I have felt in the last year is being able to do yoga everyday. It keeps me grounded and always makes me in such a better mood. So thank you whoever invented yoga (will be looking this up).

No one ever told you what to expect after college, except for getting a job, get married potentially have kids raise them, then they go off to college. What are you supposed to do in between?

Okay done for now.
First day I got him :) 
