Thursday, January 16, 2014

In Pursuit: Rolling with Age

25 Has so far brought: 

Starting a company. Realizing that it's right in front of my face, I just need to make it happen. 

The process in which I think is different, but somewhat more often than not, unable to clearly communicate in a way that is more universal. More specifically I don't know how to communicate through writing, clearly. My grammar sucks. 

I use commas stylistically, . My grammar, sucks. 

Wearing lipstick can be fun. 

Its okay to take naps.

Embracing the unknown, because unknowingness will never cease. 

Saving money. 

Saggier boobs, need better bras. 

Appreciation for deeper level conversations. 

Oh my favorite, stretching is my best friend before the following activities: working out, dancing in the kitchen (specifically in underwear. why underwear, I don't know.), well you know, yoga, sitting on train in one position too long, or even an airplane. 

Photos of life lately 

Beautiful light in Soho. 

Our new painting by Michelle Arams

Waiting for the Train as usual. 

Burgundy lippy. Actually really like it. Revlon-Sultry Sable. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

In Pursuit: Juggling

I am sucking at the everyday journaling, mainly because with all the new year's resolutions plus work (job that pays the bills and starting a clothing line) , I don't have time. So I am setting a more realistic goal of once a week.

As of right now in 24 days I will be traveling overseas!!! Whoo!! I am super excited and trying to do and see a much as I can while I am there. This time I am trying to research places that I want to see this time round, and taking less of a back seat this time. Who knows when I'll be traveling back to London, Paris, Bruges, and Wales again?

If anyone out there is actually reading this, would love to hear some recommended places to visit! 

Recently I came across this DIY video from "because I am addicted". Its a DIY video to make your own vitamin citrus water, and maybe it'll be good for the flight across the pond. More to come on whether I'll make it or not.

Anywho a little bit of my favorite part of the apartment.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014: I am going to do it!

Okay so this year I am going to do it! I am going to write a post on my blog everyday for a year.

I figure I am living in one of the most amazing parts of the country, why not write about it.

So to get everyone up to date, I have been living in New York for about a year and three months. I have an internship, yes only one, under my belt at Suno. I have a part time job at Warby Parker, and live in Brooklyn.

Hopefully this blog will be motivation to start exploring more of New York and post my favorite spots, neighborhoods, etc.

In addition to starting off with the New Year, I am proud to announce that  and I am starting a clothing line with one of my best friends and partner Rory, called Bluestem Highway (our tumblr, website in the works).  Look forward to our collection launching later this year, here in New York and in Kansas City!!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!! Here's to keeping to my goals this year!!