Sunday, October 14, 2012

....marriage for people my age

Frequent thoughts when it comes to facebook:

Need to be more private about my life.

People are getting engaged/married and/or having babies.

Political degrading, don't do it, discuss what you stand for not bashing someone else's beliefs and if someone posts their beliefs don't degrade, ask non leading questions to better understand where they are coming from, you don't have to agree with them just be kind, its so simple.

Yes to cute pictures about your life (really no sarcasm there).

Yes to pictures about babies getting older and getting cuter, always.

So more specifically my thoughts on people getting engaged married and/or having babies definitely has been more of a frequent topic of ponderation (didn't even think this was a word but no red underline appeared woo!).

I don't necessarily have any negative thoughts about the amount of people partaking in these events, events I consider extremely important, although I have to admit I did pass judgement ten months ago when the amount of people began to get engaged or married picked up. Initially I was like "woah people slow down, its not time yet! Why are you rushing!?" etc. You know I had the somewhat stereotypical reaction, being on the other end of that stick of  not getting married, pursuing their career, doing long distance etc. etc. I kept thinking "They're too young, what are they thinking doing that. We're the same age and I could never do that right now. Do they feel this is the only next step in life?" essentially being judgmental. When it comes down to it, it has nothing to do with me so why judge negatively.

I think about it now, having seen the several announcements via facebook in the past ten months and I have re-evaluated my judgements on maybe what I would have considered premature adventures. Perhaps maybe, just maybe they were ready and it IS/WAS the right timing for THEM, not me, THEM.

I think where I come from and having been in a solid relationship for six years I have felt somewhat pressured to feel as though I should be partaking in these adventures, but I have been only perhaps putting that on myself. I do have a couple of family members/ honorary family members who have been discussing the matter of me getting married from time to time, all of which are wishful thinking, never ill meant pressures, and I do know that. I understand it is kind of exciting to talk about the event of getting married and all that goes into it. Not lessening/degrading  how exciting that day is and the act of marriage, because I myself get all "girly" inside when I think about it, but to me the most important part of marriage is the part after it, the rest of your lives together, that is the part I think more about then the actual day. I wonder if people are thinking about that going into it, but I digress.
To me, we as human beings can be selfish and to me marriage and having a family is being 85-90% selfless. I know that sounds crazy and far fetched, but maybe I am idealist (not in the philosophy sense). I am not saying that "x" amount of selfless-ness is always given, again we are only human beings, but until I am willing to be "x" amount of selfless, I am not ready to cross over. When I think about it when you initially get married and children are involved I believe you should, NO I mean to say I should be mmmm...... 65-75% selfless, the remaining selfishness goes towards career, independence, traveling frequently etc. When I, have a family aka babies that amps up to 85-90%, and you must be willing to be that selfless, again I mean ME, I feel that I need to be that selfless. The remaining selfish goes towards secret stash of chocolate that I don't share with my family and the occasional clothes I buy in secret.

So I come back to the part where everyone...... well not everyone, but the people that are getting married and taking big steps in their lives, I now think "wow," wishfully thinking, those individuals are admirably giving up a part of their self for love, and I will eventually catch up, but not quite yet.

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